Abstract :
B.polis不論是全株或者是各別部位,已經應證能有效治療超過40種疾病,例如:抗發炎、免疫系統疾病、消化疾病、細菌感染、代謝疾病、傷口及抗癌等等。B.polis在傳統配方裡,可以單獨使用或是合併其他藥草一起用,像有Aloe vera、Plectranthus mollis、Valeriana officinalis 或Cissus sicyoides,合併的藥草通常也都具有抗發炎的作用。
Phytochemicals :
有關於B.polis成分或療效的相關文獻有多達116件,201種化合物被發現,包含70 aliphatics、 60 flavonoids、 25 terpenoids、19 phenylpropanoids、13 aromatics、8 porphyrins等,然而至今,B.polis的成分和有生物活性的資料還沒被完全地建立好,B.polis仍含有各種類型,有生物活性的化學異構物要被了解。
Pharmacological Properties :
Antiinflammatory Activity :
B.polis和許多其他藥草一樣,主要能抗發炎的成分為數種類黃酮,例如:Centaureidin、Centaurein、Luteolin,COX-2在人類體內造成一系列的發炎反應,同時也是對於檢測抗炎反應很好的標的物,它容易被多種的體內或外界的物質所誘導,B.polis萃取液能夠活化p-38和JNK來壓制ERK1/2的表現,也同時抑制COX-2的反應和PEG2的產生,他們之間的關係是,當cytokin(IL-beta)促使發炎物質COX-2和PEG2時,會再進一步活化mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs),而P-38本身也會伴隨著產生來抑制發炎反應,B.polis萃取液就是作用在活化p-38來抑制發炎反應。
Our group and others previously demonstrated that B. pilosa exerted antidiabetic activity in mouse models, so in this study we verified this effect in humans. First, we evaluated the beneficial effect of the B. pilosaformulation on subjects with type 2 diabetes. We found that those who only took the B. pilosa formulation had fasting blood glucose levels of 201.7 ± 83.3 and 123.3 ± 18.6, respectively, before and after treatment with the B. pilosa formulation. Similarly, the diabetics had HbA1c levels of 9.1 ± 1.7 and 7.2 ± 0.7, respectively, before and after the treatment with the B. pilosa formulation . The HOMA-IR and HOMA-β are commonly used to assess insulin resistance and β-cell function, respectively. Treatment with the B. pilosa formulation significantly increased β-cell function of the participants as shown by the HOMA-β values. In contrast, the treatment did not affect their insulin resistance, as shown by the HOMA-IR values . Accordingly, the B. pilosa formulation boosted serum insulin level in healthy persons . Besides, we tested the combination effect of the B. pilosa formulation. We found that those who only took antidiabetic drugs and the B. pilosa formulation had fasting blood glucose levels of 220 ± 70.9 and 150 ± 51.3, respectively, before and after the combination treatment . However, the combination use of the B. pilosa formulation seemed better than its single use based on the data on the decreased ratio of fasting blood glucose and Hba1c